National consultation hotline
Shenzhen shenghang supply chain co., ltd.
Shenzhen shenghang supply chain co., ltd.
Shenzhen shenghang supply chain co., ltd.
Shenzhen shenghang supply chain co., ltd.
Shenzhen shenghang supply chain co., ltd.
Shenzhen shenghang supply chain co., ltd.

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About Shenzhen Shinghong Supply Chain Co.,Ltd

Shenzhen Shinghong Supply Chain Co.,Ltd founded in April 2022 ,It’s a one-stop solution that covers the entire supply chain.We offer collective experience in FCL,air,rail,trucking,insurance,financial aid,customs services for all the ports in China .

"Created To Simplify Shipping" is our mission.We partner with the largest shipping carriers to provide a variation of services such as first-class online quotation online booking real-time tracking, and etc. to make your supply chain frictionless.

(Add:710,North Block,Nanshan Building,1065 Nanhai Avenue,Nanshan District, Shenzhen,China)

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Breaking News

10 /18
High logistics costs affect economic operation
行业动态 2019-10-18

去年我国社会物流总费用约为9.4万亿元,占GDP比率约为18%,经济运行中的物流成本依然较高。同时,受成本上涨影响,重点物流企业主营业务收入利润率不足4%。 据统计,去年物流业实现稳中渐升。预计全年社会物流总额177万亿元,同比增长9.8%,增幅较上年回落2.5个百分点。全国社会物流总费用约为9.4万亿元,同比增长11.4%,增幅比上年同期回落7个百分点。社会物流总费用与GDP的比率约为18%,同比提高0.2个百分点,经济运行中的物流成本依然较高。


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